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Table of Contents

What are the Reports?
Generating Your WordPress Reports
Scheduling Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly WordPress Periodic Reports
Modifying WordPress Periodic Reports
Generating WordPress Users & Roles Statistics Reports
Support and related add-on FAQs

What are the Reports?

The WordPress reports can be used to generate any type of custom report from your WordPress audit trial and export it to an HTML or CSV file. You can also configure automatically generate daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly summary reports that are sent to you automatically via email.

Generating Your WordPress Reports

To generate a report navigate to the Reportingtab. You can generate any type of report, such as a report about the activity of a specific IP address, user or users, role or site in case of a multisite installation. You can also specify a date range for the report. For this example we will create an HTML report to see the activity of the user Rubyon for the months of February and March.

Example of How to Generate a WordPress Report

Step 1: Select the Type of Report

Navigate to theGenerate & Configure Periodic Reports tab and:

  1. In the By Site(s) option specify the site's name, for this example
  2. In the By User(s) option specify the user for which you would like to create the report, for this example Ruby.
  3. For this example ignore By Role(s), By IP Address(es) and By Alert Code(s) since we would like to see all of the alerts generated by the user.

Generating a WordPress Report

Step 2: Select the Date Range

  1. If you would like to generate a report for a specific time frame specify the Start Date and End Date from the calendar drop down options. For our example we will specify the 1st of February 2016 as a start date and the 26th of March2016 as an end date.

Step 3: Select Report Format

  1. You can export the report in both HTML and CSV format. In our case we are creating an HTML report, hence select the option HTML.

Specify the date range and format for your WordPress report

Once ready click the Generate Report button. The report will be automatically created and downloaded to your computer. Below is a preview of the report.

A WordPress multisite single user report

Scheduling Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly WordPress Periodic Reports

You can configure the Reports add-on to automatically send you any type of WordPress report on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.  To configure automated email reports simply configure the criteria as explained in the above section, and instead of clicking Generate Report Now, scroll further down to specify the email or email addresses and the Report name. Once ready select the schedule by clicking onDaily,Weekly,Monthly orQuarterly.

Scheduling automated WordPress reports

Modifying Periodic WordPress Reports

All the configured periodic WordPress reports are shown in theConfigured Periodic Reports table at the bottom of the Reports Add-On admin pages, as shown in the below screenshot.

Configured WordPress Scheduled Reports

Click theSend Now button to instantly generate and send the report and clickModify to modify the saved report. Once you are ready with the modifications click the schedule interval button again (daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly) and the report will be updated.

Generating WordPress Users & Roles Statistics Reports

Statistics reports are handy if you would like to generate a report to see for example how many times a user logged in, or how many posts, pages or custom post types the user(s) have viewed. You can generate any of the following statistics report:

  • Number of logins for a user
  • Number of logins for users with a specific role
  • Number of views for a user
  • Number of views for users with a specific role
  • Number of published content for user
  • Number of content for users with a specific role
  • List of IP addresses used by user

Note: You can use theList of IP Addresses used by user report to see if for example a paid membership is being shared.

To generate any type of statistics report click theStatistics Reportstab at the top of the Reports admin pages. Below is a screenshot of the Statistics Reports options.

Generating WordPress Users & Roles Statistics Reports

When generating a Statistics Report:

  • Specify the date range (optional)
  • Choose the Criteria
  • Specify the user or role
  • Select the Report format (HTML or CSV)
  • Click Generate Report.

Need Support?

If you need support with the WP Activity Log plugin please do not hesitate to get in touch.