WP Blog and Widget plugin add a Blog custom post type, blog widget to your WordPress site. WP Blog adds a Blog tab to your admin menu, which allows you to enter Blog posts just as you would regular posts.

Note: WP Blog and Widget plugin is created with custom post type. If you are looking for a plugin that works with your WordPress existing Post, please use our plugin Blog Designer – Post and Widget.

WP Blog and widgets, manage and display blog, date archives, widget on your website. You can display the latest blog post on your homepage/frontpage as well as in the inner page.

Download & Explore "WP Blog and Widget" plugin and 50+ recommended plugin inside.


Explore and check pro feature with Essential Plugin Bundle

Also, work with the Gutenberg shortcode block.

WordPress blog plugin contains two shortcodes

                  1) Display Blog in a page (list view and grid view) [blog limit="10"]   2) Display Latest blog on Homepage/Frontpage in list view and grid view [recent_blog_post limit="3" grid="3"]                                  

Important Note For How to Install

  • Install the Blog plugin and activate it.
  • Plugin add BLOG tab in the WordPress admin menu side. Add some posts.
  • Create a Blog page and add shortcode:


  • Also you can Display the blog post with category wise :

    Sports news [blog category="category_id"]

  • Display blog with Grid:

    [blog grid="2″]

  • Complete shortcode example:

    [blog limit="10″ category="category_id" grid="2″ show_author="false" show_content="true" show_full_content="true" show_category_name="true" show_date="false" content_words_limit="30″ ]

  • Comments for the blog.

  • Added Widget Options like Show Blog date, Show Blog Categories, Select Blog Categories.

  • If you want to use Latest blog post on the home page then use the following shortcode

    [recent_blog_post limit="3″ grid="3″]

  • Template code : <?php echo do_shortcode('[blog]'); ?> and <?php echo do_shortcode('[recent_blog_post]'); ?>

Use Following parameters with shortcode

  • limit : [blog limit="10″] (Display latest 10 blog post and then pagination).
  • category : [blog category="category_id"] (Display Blog post categories wise).
  • grid : [blog grid="2″] (Display blog in Grid formats. To display blog in list view please do not use 'grid' parameter. ).
  • show_date : [blog show_date="false"] (Display Blog date OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false")
  • show_category_name : [blog show_category_name="true" ] (Display blog post category name OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false").
  • show_author : [blog show_author="false"] (Display Blog author OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false")
  • show_content : [blog show_content="true" ] (Display blog post Short content OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false").
  • show_full_content : [blog show_full_content="true"] (Display Full Blog post content on main page if you do not want word limit. By default value is "false". Note : This parameter will not work with [recent_blog_post] shortcode.)
  • content_words_limit : [blog content_words_limit="30″ ] (Control blog post short content Words limit. By default limit is 20 words).
  • order: [blog order="DESC"] (Blog order ie DESC or ASC).
  • orderby: [blog orderby="date"] (Order by Blog ie date, ID, author, title, modified, rand and menu_order etc).
  • pagination_type: [blog pagination_type="numeric"] (Select the pagination type for News ie "numeric" OR "next-prev". Note : This parameter will not work with [recent_blog_post] shortcode. ).
  • extra_class: [blog extra_class=""]


  • limit : [blog limit="10″] (Display latest 10 blog post and then pagination).

  • category : [blog category="category_id"] (Display Blog post categories wise).
  • grid : [blog grid="2″] (Display blog in Grid formats. To display blog in list view please do not use 'grid' parameter. ).
  • show_date : [blog show_date="false"] (Display Blog date OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false")
  • show_author : [blog show_author="false"] (Display Blog author OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false")
  • show_content : [blog show_content="true" ] (Display blog post Short content OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false").
  • show_full_content : [blog show_full_content="true"] (Display Full Blog post content on main page if you do not want word limit. By default value is "false". Note : This parameter will not work with [recent_blog_post] shortcode.)
  • show_category_name : [blog show_category_name="true" ] (Display blog post category name OR not. By default value is "True". Options are "ture OR false").
  • content_words_limit : [blog content_words_limit="30″ ] (Control blog post short content Words limit. By default limit is 20 words).
  • order: [blog order="DESC"] (Blog order ie DESC or ASC).
  • orderby: [blog orderby="date"] (Order by Blog ie date, ID, author, title, modified, rand and menu_order etc).
  • extra_class: [blog extra_class=""]

If you are getting any kind of problem with Blog page means you are not able to see all blog posts then please remodify your permalinks Structure for example
first, select "Default" and save then again select "Custom Structure " and save.

Finally, the plugin adds a Recent Blog Post widget which can be placed on any sidebar available in your theme. You can set the title of this list and the number of blog posts to show.

Language Support

  • Added Added language for German, French (France) (Beta)

Added New Features :

  • Added Added language for German, French (France) (Beta)
  • Added new shortcode parameters show_date
  • Added new shortcode parameters show_author.
  • Added Image option in the widget

PRO Features Include :

Premium Version
Added 6 shortcodes

[blog], [recent_blog_post], [recent_blog_post_slider]

  • Recent Blog Slider.
  • Recent Blog Carousel.
  • Recent Blog in Grid view.
  • 50 Designs for Grid Layout
  • 45 Designs for Slider/Carousel
  • 8 Designs for List View
  • 13 Designs for Grid Box
  • 8 Designs for Blog Grid Box Slider
  • Gutenberg Block Supports
  • WPBakery Page Builder Supports
  • Elementor, Bevear and SiteOrigin Page Builder Support (New).
  • Divi Page Builder Native Support (New).
  • 6 Shortcodes
  • 6 Widgets (slider,list and category etc
  • Popular grid slider feature.
  • Custom Read More link for Blog Post.
  • Blog display with categories.
  • Drag & Drop feature to display Blog post in your desired order and other 6 types of order parameter.
  • 'Publicize' support with Jetpack to publish your Blog post on your social network.
  • 100% Multilanguage.

Explore and check pro feature with Essential Plugin Bundle

Features include:

  • Added Widget Options like Show Blog date, Show Blog Categories, Select Blog Categories.
  • Just create a Blog page with any name and add the shortcode [blog]
  • Easy to configure.
  • Smoothly integrates into any theme.
  • Yearly, Monthly and Daily archives.
  • Blog Categories.
  • Blog Tags.
  • Recent Blog Post widget.
  • CSS file for customization.

Privacy & Policy

  • We have also opt-in e-mail selection, once you download the plugin so that we can inform you and nurture you about products and its features.

This plugin provides 2 blocks.

  • WP Blog and Widget
  • WP Blog and Widget
  1. Upload the 'wp-blog-and-widgets' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the WP Blog and widgets plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Add and manage Blog Post on your site by clicking on the 'Blog' tab that appears in your admin menu.
  4. Create a page with the any name and paste this shortcode [blog].

How to install:

How to enable/disable Gutenberg editor support for Blog Posts?

Just add this code in your theme function.php file to enable/disable Gutenberg editor support for Blog Posts :

                      function prefix_gutenberg_editor_support($wpbaw_blog_args){  $wpbaw_blog_args['show_in_rest'] = false;    return $wpbaw_blog_args;   } add_filter( 'wpbaw_blog_registered_post_type_args', 'prefix_gutenberg_editor_support' );                                          

The plugin does what it should. No more, no less. So ok But after WPOnlinesupport got your email address, they trash you with SPAM emails. "Buy these great accessories ..." Not once a week, not twice - no, sometimes 4-5 times a week such an email is annoying. This is just crap. Sorry - but I'm not going to buy anything from you like that. And only one star because of the SPAM mails.

Do NOT bother to pay for the premium upgrade, aka pro upgrage, aka essential upgrade, and all the other names they have for the same thing. It doesn't work, and their customer service is TERRIBLE. Their "14 day refund policy" is a total lie and they won't honor it! When you try to cancel within 14 days, they'll come up with ANY excuse to not honor it. JUST READ THEIR TERMS AND CONDITIONS and you can tell that the refund policy is setup so that they can look for ANY excuse to not honor it!! For me, they tricked me into thinking the premium plan started on a certain day (by sending me a confirmation email that said the purchase date was that day), and then they wouldn't honor the 14 days after that purchase date in the confirmation email. Their excuse was that they are in India so the timezone is different than the US. AVOID THIS COMPANY! I will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau.

i like the plugin. Layout is not that simple ...

I love this pluggin, very easy to use and the support is fast and awesome !!

Very useful if you want to add a second blog to your site, outside of regular posts.

Read all 26 reviews

"WP Blog and Widget" is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


2.2.3 (12, Nov 2021)

  • [*] Fix – Resolve Gutenberg WP-Editor script related issue.
  • [*] Update – Add some text and links in Readme file.
  • [*] Minor change in CSS.

2.2.2 (16, Sep 2021)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.8.1
  • [*] Updated demo link

2.2.1 (19, Aug 2021)

  • [*] Updated language file and json.

2.2 (18, Aug 2021)

  • [*] Updated all external links
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.
  • [*] Fixed – Blocks Initializer Issue.

2.1.1 (31, May 2021)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.7.2
  • [*] Added – https link in our analytics code to avoid browser security warning.

2.1 (24, May 2021)

  • [*] Tested up to: 5.7.2
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.

2.0 (23, Oct 2020)

  • [*] Update – Regular plugin maintenance. Updated readme file.
  • [+] New – Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page.
  • [*] Added – Added our other Popular Plugins under blog and widget –> Install Popular Plugins From WPOS. This will help you to save your time during creating a website.

1.9 (28, August 2020)

  • [+] New – Added Gutenberg block support. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg!
  • [+] New – Added 'align' and 'extra_class' parameter for all shortcode. Now both slider shortcode is support twenty-nineteen and twenty-twenty theme Gutenberg block align and additional class feature.
  • [+] New – Added 'show_full_content' parameter for recent post shortcode.
  • [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.
  • [*] Template File – Main design file has been updated. If you have an override template file then verify with the latest copy.

1.8.2 (14, July 2020)

  • [*] Follow WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines for Offload Media and Analytics Code.

1.8.1 (28, Dec 2019)

  • [+] Added : Added 2 new parameter – order and orderby
  • [*] Replaced wp_reset_query(); with wp_reset_postdata();
  • [*] Improve some code in the shortcode file.

1.7 (05, June 2019)

  • [+] Added author support for the blog post type. After updating the plugin, if you are not able to see the author on the front-end side, please click on the Blog menu and assign the author for all blog posts by clicking on the Quick Edit link.

1.6.1 (09, Feb 2019)

  • [*] Minor change in Opt-in flow.

1.6 (20, Dec 2018)

  • [*] Fixed the issue where custom taxonomies were not showing after giving Gutenberg support for a custom blog post. Thanks, @sabkor for showing us this issue.

1.5.1 (18, Dec 2018)

  • [*] Update Opt-in flow.

1.5 (13-12-2018)

  • [+] Added apply_filters to update the blog custom post type arguments.
  • [+] If you are using WordPress 5.0 OR WordPress 5.0 plus classic editor plugin, we have added show_in_rest=> true to enable the Gutenberg Editor support for Blog Posts or Not.

1.4 (08-12-2018)

  • [*] Tested with WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg.

1.3.2 (05, June 2018)

  • [*] Follow some WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines.

1.3.1 (20/07/2017)

  • [+] Fixed grid issue showing 15px gap in left and right

1.3 (15/02/2017)

  • [+] Added new shortcode parameter "pagination_type" (Select the pagination type for blog ie "numeric" OR "next-prev" ).


  • [+] Added "How it Works" tab under "Blog"
  • [-] Removed "Pro Design" tab
  • [+] Added some design to Read More button and Blog Title
  • Fixed widget image display issue.


  • Fixed Image display issue.
  • Fixed CSS issue.
  • Fixed widget image display issue.


  • Added excerpt functionality in the post description.
  • Resolved display post content issue.


  • Updated PRO plugin design page.
  • Added German (Switzerland), Spanish (Spain), French (Canada), Italian, and Dutch Beta translation.


  • Fixed some CSS issues.


  • Added Added language for German, French (France) (Beta)
  • Added 2 new designs for the pro version
  • Fixed some bug


  • Fixed some bug and added an option for pro designs


  • Added new shortcode parameters show_author.
  • Added Image option in the widget
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added new shortcode parameters show_date.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added Widget Options like Show Blog date, Show Blog Categories, Select Blog Categories.
  • Fixed some bugs


  • Initial release.