
How To Add Camera Shake In Godot

Screen shake is a visual effect where the camera shakes, sometimes violently, to create a feeling of affect or chaos. Unless your game is intended to exist relaxing, it would probably do good from some precisely-tuned screen shake.

Screen milk shake is ane of the cadre pillars of "game juice". "Game juice" refers to all the little details in a game that make it feel fun to play.

If you are interested in learning more about the concept of "game juice", nosotros recommend The Fine art of Screenshake by Jan Willem Nijman.

Camera Shake in Godot 3.ii

This method of implementing camera milkshake in Godot was created by the YouTuber "Game Attempt". Watch his video hither.

This method is the best because it is modular. Information technology contains all the screen shake logic in a unmarried node, which yous can adhere to whatever Camera2D node. Not but that, but is easily customizable, assuasive you to create different intensities for different events in your game. And if multiple screen milkshake events happen in quick succession, this method will ensure the more of import events are non overwritten. Read on to learn more.

This solution is designed to be a direct child of a camera node. Add a kid to the camera of blazon Node.

Rename the node to "ScreenShake" and save it every bit it's own scene.

Open up the ScreenShake scene past clicking the pic clapper icon.

Add a node of blazon Tween and rename information technology to "ShakeTween".

A tween node, short for "in-between", smoothly animates a node'southward backdrop over time. We volition employ the tween node to change the camera'south position to create the screen milkshake outcome. Shaking the camera can be a jarring effect, merely the tween will smoothly transition the camera from shaking to nevertheless or to shaking at a different intensity.

Next, add two Timer nodes equally children of the ScreenShake node. Name one timer "Frequency" and other timer "Duration".

Attach a script to the ScreenShake node.

          extends Node  const TRANS = Tween.TRANS_SINE const EASE = Tween.EASE_IN_OUT  var amplitude = 0 var priority = 0  onready var photographic camera = get_parent()  func get-go(duration = 0.2, frequency = 15, aamplitude = 16, priority = 0):     if (priority >= self.priority):         self.priority = priority         self.amplitude = amplitude          $Elapsing.wait_time = duration         $Frequency.wait_time = i / bladder(frequency)         $Duration.kickoff()         $Frequency.start()          _new_shake()  func _new_shake():     var rand = Vector2()     rand.x = rand_range(-aamplitude, amplitude)     rand.y = rand_range(-aamplitude, aamplitude)      $ShakeTween.interpolate_property(camera, "beginning",, rand, $Frequency.wait_time, TRANS, EASE)     $ShakeTween.start()  func _reset():     $ShakeTween.interpolate_property(camera, "offset", camera.commencement, Vector2(), $Frequency.wait_time, TRANS, EASE)     $ShakeTween.get-go()      priority = 0                  

To start a screen shake, y'all will desire to call the "kickoff" part. The "duration" is how long the effect will final in seconds. The "frequency" is how many camera times per 2nd the camera volition change direction. The "amplitude" is far from center the camera will motion. You lot can too fix the "priority" of the effect. A higher priority effect volition not be overwritten by a depression priority issue. Big explosions will continue uninterupted past smaller explosions.

Now allow'southward connect the two timers to this script.

Select the Frequency node. Select the "Node" tab on the Inspector window. Make sure you are on the "Signals" section. Double-click the "timeout()" signal. Connect it to the ScreenShake script.

          func _on_Frequency_timeout() -> void:     _new_shake()                  

Now let's to the same for the Duration timer. Double-click it's timeout signal and connect information technology to the ScreenShake node.

          func _on_Duration_timeout() -> void:     _reset()     $Frequency.stop()                  

Now that ScreenShake node is prepare, you tin attach a script to the Camera. Yous tin define functions to start the screen shake outcome with preset values.

          extends Camera2D  func small_shake -> void:     $ScreenShake.beginning(0.1, xv, 4, 0)                  


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